oDesk Test (English Spelling)

Took the oDesk English spelling test and got 80%.  Pretty silly test. That’s what spell check is for. A lot of the words being tested on is not commonly used either.

Holy the oDesk PHP test was pretty hard. Bunch of functions I never used. Didn’t even pass.

$12B Border wall?? WTF


We better not be building this dam wall for $12B. Stupid policy is starting.


SWGOH: Heroic AAT Raid completion

Our guild, Dead Man Ewoking, finally completed the Heroic AAT raid.  The officers of this guild are great. They spent time looking through everyone’s roster to coordinate what teams get sent to what phase.  We had tried twice before in December and November.  It really helped that the newer people recruited have crazy good rosters.  We were actually stuck around 10% and an unintentional mercenary finished it for us.  He had joined thinking we could easy defeat HAAT and left after he finished it.

I’m an average middle of pack in the guild so not too shabby.  Bad part about being in this guild is feeling the itch to spend $$ to keep up with everyone.